De eerste batch van de RS Aero 6 zeil en mast zijn vanaf eind mei 2022 geleverd.
Graag aandacht voor het onderstaande bericht van de RS Aero Class Manager Peter Barton:
Dear All,
As a you have shown an interest in the RS Aero 6 please note the following points.
It is great to see the first batch of RS Aero 6 rigs starting to be delivered. We look forward to sailors enjoying them and their inclusion at events.
Please check that you have been supplied 230mm tall numbers, similar to the RS Aero 5. If you receive 300mm tall numbers (like the RS Aero 7 & 9) don’t stick them on as they will not leave enough space to add the country letters underneath later. Contact your local supplier or RS Sailing Customer Support <customersupport@rssailing.com> for a replacement set. When ordering letters for international events, be sure to order 230mm ones too.
The Class Rules have been edited to include the RS Aero 6, which are with World Sailing awaiting sign off before publishing. RS Sailing will update the Rigging Manual and the ‘Numbers & Letters Instruction Leaflet’ that accompanies the sail numbers to include the RS Aero 6.
Here is the relevant part of the revised Class Rules and Annex 2 image;
(ii) RRS Appendix G1.2 is amended as follows`:
All sail numbers shall be black and the same size and style as Originally Supplied. The RS Aero 5 and RS Aero 6 shall comply with the specifications in the RRS Appendix G1.2 for boats under 3.5 metres (namely use minimum 230mm high sail numbers and letters with a spacing between adjoining characters of minimum 45mm). The RS Aero 7 & RS Aero 9 shall comply with the specifications in the RRS Appendix G1.2 for boats not under 3.5 metres (namely use minimum 300mm high sail numbers and letters with a spacing between adjoining characters of minimum 60mm).
(iii) The sail numbers shall be displayed on each side of the mainsail within the top two-thirds of the section between the 3rd and 4th batten down, and according to the position that is shown in Annex 2 below. [*starboard side higher]
(v) RRS Appendix G1.1 (b) and G.1.3(c) are amended as follows.
When used, the national letters of the crew shall be black, shall be the same size and spacing as the sail numbers, and displayed only in the relevant area shown in Annex 2 below – above and below the bottom batten pocket with the letters on the starboard side being higher and adjacent and above the batten pocket, and the letters on the port side being adjacent and below the pocket.
Class Rule Annex 2 Image; https://www.rsaerosailing.org/index.asp?p=news&nid=10904
The RS Aero 6 lower mast is being delivered unbranded as it is a shared design with the RS Neo. I have queried with RS Sailing whether a simple ‘6’ sticker within a pink RS Aero circle can be added to maintain branding, match the existing rigs and help ease of identification.
Please note that after today (30th April ’22) there is an increased refund penalty of 50% entrance fee. Anyone whose entry is subject to receiving an RS Aero 6 rig in time should give this your consideration. Hopefully everyone aiming to compete might have received their RS Aero 6 rigs by then and if not might be happy to compete in an RS Aero 5 or 7 instead.